My thanks to BBC Radio Tees which likes my voice enough to have invited me onto its mid-morning show for the second time in 10 days.

This morning the discussion centred around a report published by Michigan State University based on data collected in the UK which states that married people are on average happier than they would have been if they hadn’t got married. Apparently happiness levels of unmarried individuals decline as they get older whereas for married couples they remain stable!

It hardly sounds like the greatest advert marriage has ever had! Moreover, what better way to spoil the limited feel-good factor it engenders than by asking a divorce lawyer to comment on the increasing number of over-fifties who have seen their marriages break down?



Tulsa Divorce Lawyers said…
lol. I love the sarcasm!
Divorce Papers said…
This is a very grey line between church and state. There is some serious irony in the debate. Why does the church have to change who they are so another group does not. Why can't we live the lived we choose?
Family law advice said…
Yes, the over 50's phenomenon is a fascinating one, looks like middle age now starts at 50 plus maybe ?

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