“Families come in all shapes and sizes. This week is national family week, and as well as celebrating your own family life it is important to remember those families who are experiencing difficult times. As national family week gets underway, Resolution is launching a new online advice centre with information on the legal aspects of splitting up, as well as advice on parenting apart, sorting out money and arranging child maintenance. The advice centre is available via Resolution’s website at

The online advice centre is a useful tool with sections on the legal process of splitting up, tips on managing the relationship with your children post‐separation, as well as sections on sorting out child maintenance and other financial arrangements. The information is provided in a wealth of different formats, including video clips, factsheets and FAQs.


This looks like a really good resource. I run a site trying to provide links for Divorced Fathers. I am going to blog about this now and place a link back to your blog.
Thanks for sharing this.
Hey! I am riding my horse across America now gathering family stories and as an outreach to people who have dealt with divorce. Please check it out!

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